Between short attention spans and all the different channels out there, Twitch followers can come and go like Monopoly money–you can be filthy rich one moment and bankrupt the next. Sure, there may not be a one-stop solution out there to build a sustainable brand identity for online gaming. But there is an undeniable need to highlight individuality if you’re looking to run a successful channel.
The beauty of Twitch is that there’s an audience for every type of personality. Whether you’re an introvert or an extrovert, goofy or spooky, Twitch is as dynamic as the cast of Game of Thrones—the characters are always changing, but there’s always at least one you can relate to! That being said, every successful Twitch user shares solid brand-building techniques to develop their gaming niche.
For all of you aspiring professional gamers who want to know how to build a brand on Twitch, look no further. We’re sharing some of the best practices to dive into the online gaming world. If you want to avoid a painful belly flop, take a look at these personal branding tips: