Free Music Online

Explore royalty-free music to use in your content and streams to take your channel to the next level — Voicemod free music playlist coming soon

Different types of music at a glance

royalty free music

Royalty-Free Music

copyright free music

Copyright-Free Music

dmca free music

DMCA-Free Music

Royalty-Free Music

This music is free of royalties, which are ongoing payments required for the use of the content. This does not necessarily mean the music is entirely free to use, but rather that it will be free from future royalty payments. This type of music may require you to purchase it once-off, or purchase a license to access a library of royalty-free music. However, it could also be entirely free to use and require no payments whatsoever. Make sure you check the terms of the website you are using to be safe!

Royalty free music online

Copyright-Free Music

In simple terms, this is music that does not have a copyright attached to it and it is in the public domain. This could be due to a copyright expiring, or due to a creator surrendering the copyright over their content. Often, you can do what you want with this type of music and it is legally safe to use — however, this does not always apply. Some “Copyright-Free” music playlists on YouTube for example have restrictions, meaning they cannot be used outside of YouTube itself. Other copyright-free music may not be used in monetized content. As always, it’s safest to read the terms of the music in full before using it to avoid any legal issues.

Copyright free music online

DMCA-Free Music

While you may often hear this term, particularly in reference to Twitch, it is basically in line with the definition for copyright-free music. DMCA itself refers to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, a specific USA copyright law pertaining to digital media. It’s introduction has been controversial but it aims to protect and criminalize misuse of copyrighted content. Similar to the previous examples, you would need to check out the terms of use with the music you would like to use to ensure it is safe to play during streams or other video content.

DMCS free music online


We’re eager to help you take your content to the next level without having to worry about copyright-strikes or takedowns. The Voicemod music playlist will help you add some ambience and vibes to your content, no strings attached — simply cue the music and you’re good to go!


Our free music will be available and safe to use with any video content you want to publish on YouTube — this includes video creation and YouTube live streams. Better yet, you can use our music in any of your monetized content with no issues!

Free music for youtube


Want to stream without stressing about background music? Our free music playlist is totally DMCA-free and will not affect any of your content! Simply load up our music and focus on what matters — your stream.

free music for twitch
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